Monday - Friday
08 AM - 16 PM

Bosco Amico SRL


Sântămăria Orlea

DN 66, Nr. 239

337440 - Hunedoara

Our main objective is the acquisition and processing of truffles and mushrooms from wild flora, these products being destined almost exclusively for export to the Western European market (Italy, France, Spain). The acquisition of truffles and mushrooms is done through collection points in the country, having transportation assured by our own refrigerated vehicles. Processing is done by a team of responsible workers, with the exported goods highly appreciated by our partners in Europe.

"BOSCO AMICO" is a commercial company having a single Italian citizen associate, Mr. Marco Raffaello Tommasi, who is also the administrator of the company. Our company has locations in Romania equipped with warehouses, halls and installations necessary for processing and keeping truffles and mushrooms from wild flora at controlled temperature. Truffles and forest mushrooms are some of the most sought-after natural products from the wild flora of the Romanian public forest fund. The company was established in 2000, the idea belonging to two Romanian citizens and an Italian citizen. Subsequently, in the period 2004-2005, the structure of the share capital and participation quota underwent significant changes, expressed through the withdrawal of one of the Romanian associates. Initially, Bosco Amico had its registered office in Orăștie, Hunedoara County, but carried out its activity in the field of acquisition and processing of mushrooms from wild flora, at the working point in Hațeg, in a space rented from another economic agent, location where S.C. "Bosco Amico" S.R.L. functioned during 2000-2003. In 2003, the company acquired land of 3,600 sqm in Hațeg, where industrial halls were built on an area of 2,500 sqm, as well as an office space. As a natural stage in its evolution, in 2004 the Company moved its headquarters to Hațeg. In 2005, another land was acquired in Hațeg, of 7,300 sqm, as well as a ground floor + first floor building, with an area of 600 sqm, thus extending the area of the industrial halls by another 1,400 sqm.

In order to carry out its main activity, namely the acquisition and processing of forest mushrooms, Bosco Amico has developed a partnership policy with the Ministry of Agriculture of Romania, through the county Forestry Directorates, concluding contracts with these entities for the acquisition of superior quality mushrooms from the Southern and Eastern Carpathians area, as well as export commission contracts. On the other hand, our company has concluded commercial contracts with a large number of private economic agents in Romania, with which it collaborates constantly. The entire quantity of goods processed by the company is destined for export to the European market in countries such as Italy, France and Spain.

Regarding the development of production and export capacities, the company's activity has been marked by an upward evolution, materialized through the increase in turnover. The company developed constantly despite the fact that the Romanian banking system does not offer sufficient opportunities to investors, by failing to promote competitive financial products able to meet the requirements of current economic evolution. Growth also occurred in terms of employee numbers. We started with 15 employees in 2000, then 25 in 2002, 48 in 2005 and reached over 150 employees in summer 2006. Currently, the value of the company's fixed assets is highly diversified: buildings, lands, technical equipment, appliances and installations, means of transport.

Our plan for the future is to continue offering the same high quality services, appreciated by our collaborators and partners throughout Western Europe. We are open to supporting any type of productive collaboration in this field, so we are at your disposal for any information. For this purpose, we invite you to visit our company's contact page, from where you can contact us by phone or through the web form below.


Sântămăria Orlea

DN 66, Nr. 239

337440 - Hunedoara

CUI: RO12807250

Copyright © 2000 - 2025. Bosco Amico SRL